For Regions

We take your desire to create an ecosystem for starting new churches in your area very seriously. This is the heart of our ministry. In order to begin the process, we will be sending you a customized packet that will detail various nuances regarding essential steps to begin well. In the mean time, here are a few answers to questions that most regions have when partnering with Cyclical INC.


How does the workflow move between our region and Cyclical Inc?

We prioritize multi-tiered relationships that work with one another to maximize the potential of your Director. The Board of Cyclical INC has hired our Executive Director to not only support your Director, but also to train a Developer who will be a consistent source of encouragement and expertise for your Director. Your region should also assign a liaison who will partner with your director to be accountable to a larger committee or body representing your region. All these people, working with one another, will maximize the potential of your church starting ecosystem.

Is there a simple metaphor that sums up Cyclical's frameworks?

One metaphor that we often use within Cyclical is that of a plant vs. a garden. Most church planting networks will focus heavily on creating the individual plant (the church). While we will be very supportive in helping to create the plant, our main focus will be on creating the entire garden with your region. We will focus on the boundaries, the light, the water and the soil. This system will then not only create a singular plant, but an entire ecosystem that we create a multitude of plants for years to come.


For what is our region responsible?

  • Providing a person to be a liaison.

  • Providing a staff person to begin your local Cyclical Network. This person will be called your director.

  • Providing clarity with regard to the relationship between Cyclical and the local region.

  • Providing necessary resources to implement Cyclical frameworks.

For what is Cyclical Inc. responsible?

  • Providing you with a a thoughtful, theologically astute, historical, replicable, and scalable framework for starting new churches in your context.

  • Providing you with our communication and web assets, as well as social networking platforms.

  • Providing you with all necessary administrative document templates. We call this our document super structure!

  • Providing you with our networks of professional coaches.

  • Providing you with our networks for training.

  • Providing you with regular access to our staff.

  • Encouraging the region to move through our director progression.

How much does it cost to begin our Cyclical Network?

There are various contextual elements to this very important question, however, as we have had dozens of conversations with different regions around the world, we have found that the annual cost for a church planting ecosystems lands between 45k and 100k. Our focus is to work with you to find the most fitting path forward for your region.

What if I don’t have monetary or judicatory support, but I am still interested?

We started Cyclical X networks for this purpose! Download our packet on how to start a Cyclical X network.

Are there other options for my region if we are not yet ready to make the full commitment to a church starting ecosystem in our area?

Absolutely. We understand that a jump into a full blown Cyclical Network can be too large of a leap for some regions. If this is the case for you, please consider these two preliminary option to potentially starting a Cyclical Network.

Beta Testing

Maybe you would like to take a more praxis-oriented step toward starting your Cyclical Network? If this is the case, then Cyclical Inc. would recommend our Beta Testing framework.

What you need:

  1. A beta director to gather leaders and administrate gatherings

  2. A group to discern the progress of the potential network

What Cyclical provides:

  1. Staff support (Our Executive Director or a Developer)

  2. Coaching networks

  3. Programmatic templates

During the beta testing, your network will gather groups of leaders on three different occasions. During these gatherings, the beta director will look to see if you can secure commitments from leaders to give a practical gauge as to the fitness of your potential Cyclical Network. The total cost of this option is $9500 plus travel expenses.

Slow Boarding

Maybe the leap directly into committing to starting your own Cyclical Network is too far right now? Or maybe the polity path to releasing resources needed to create a culture of starting new churches is not yet clear.? Or maybe you simply want to move a little bit slower?

In our slow boarding process you will receive the experience and time (an average of two days per month) of our Executive Director or one of our Developers to join your presbytery for discerning the work of what it will take to create a culture of starting new churches in your region. The hurdles are different for every context and we will be present with you to each of the hurdles.

6 Month Commitment : $8000 + Travel

12 Month Commitment : $15,000 + Travel